Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 12!!

Almost to our 2nd trimester!!!  Things are going swimmingly!!! :)  I am one happy mama bear.  I am officially to week 12.  This is a little late but-

Here I am at 9 weeks:

And now at 12 weeks:

Happy Friday from me and Baby Hauck!

As you can see, I don't do much with my hair lately...cookin a baby is hard work and I've been sooo tired!  Baby is now about the size of a lime and weighs almost an ounce.  Reflexes have begun and little one's mouth is making sucking movements!  So cute!  He/She may even begin to suck his/her thumb.  (MAN, I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT THE GENDER!!)  Baby can feel me and my movements and if I prod my abdomen baby would squirm in response, although I can't quite feel it yet.  Although, I do think I have felt kicks a couple times :)  This is my second pregnancy and you are definetely more in tune and know what to look and feel for the 2nd time around. 

One part of this pregnancy that has been a challenge to deal with is my daughter, "I".  She has been acting out a little-who am I kidding?!  A ton!  The temper tantrums are out of control and the attitude is rediculous.  This should not be such a problem at 6 years old but it has exploded in my face the last few weeks!  I'm sure it has to do with me being pregnant and actually showing.  I'm sure she is having a hard time knowing how to deal with all these emotions, especially now that she knows she won't be the baby of the family anymore.  But I have had to lay out some stern ground rules and if they're broke, it's early to bed she goes and her favorite blanket gets taken away...Oh My!  I'm so mean!  But with these rules set, all I have to say when she starts acting out is "THIS IS YOUR ONE WARNING FOR THE NIGHT."  And bam!  She stops.  Hold on while I dust of these shoulders ;) 

Stay tuned!


  1. You have such a cute bump! It's totally normal how "I" is acting, "B" has been doing it too and I feel your frustration. Sounds like you're getting it under control though so that's awesome! I enjoy your little updates :)

  2. Thank you! It's so frustrating dealing with these fits she's been throwing and how naughty she's been acting but I'm SURE things will turn around if I put my foot down now and stick by my guns!
