Thursday, January 10, 2013

Catching Up

I have been horrible at keeping up a blog...but now I have an even bigger reason to stay up to date with my writing!  7 weeks ago me and the hubs (Andy) found out we are expecting!  This comes after trying for a year or so and finally turning to a fertility drug to help us along.  So I am proud and so happy to say that I am about 11 weeks along! Everything is so surreal right now, it all seems too good to be true.  Everything is going "swimmingly" :)  We are elated.  I am excited to see how my little one, I'll call her "I", will do as a big sister.  I is 6 years old...going on 16.  She is a handful and so used to being the only little one in the house most of the time. My hubby has an 8 year old from a previous relationship, I'll call her "H", and she's only at our house every other weekend.  We are excited to see these girls with a new little addition to the family.  I feel like this little one will unite us even more as a family.  Everything seems to be going in slow motion & fast forward at the same time!  My emotions are going haywire-poor Andy!  At times I panick that we won't get everything done in the house that we need to before the little one comes.  We have a bathroom that has been under construction for almost a year now (I know, REDICULOUS) and we need to convert the playroom into the nursery.  In order to do that we need to get the basement cleaned up-it's being used mostly for storage right now-and move ALL the toys downstairs.  That is going to be quite a job on it's own, let alone getting a nursery all done-painted, furniture bought and set up, area rug bought since we have all hard wood floors, there's just a ton to do and me and the hubs are not the best at getting things done on a time table, as you might have guessed with our little bathroom situation! 

But, in hindsight, all of that seems so minute in the grand scheme of things.  We are just so happy we get to be blessed with this new future ahead of us as a family of FIVE!!!  Yeeeeeee!!!!

I'm anxiously awaiting the 20 week mark when we get to go in for the ultra sound to find out the gender!  Our little bun in the oven is officially the size of a kumquat now and his/her sex organs are fully developed and will be distinguishable between 17-20 weeks...I've done my homework ;)

Can't figure out how to upload a pic yet.  I'll try to figure it out so I can upload a preg pic or 2! 

Stay tuned!


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